Thursday, June 11, 2009

A NEW Goal!

I'm so excited!

I now have a new goal to aspire to regarding my weight. Being a busy Mom and wife, can take it's toll on one person. That is me.

As happy as I am with my life, my family and my blessings, I am not happy with my weight and my size. It's like a little cloud constantly hanging over my head! I hate it!

Last year, as previously reported I was on a roll with my weight loss. After going through a major life crisis (which I have not really blogged about as of yet, but certainly plan on with my opinions regarding Jon and Kate *so there's your hint!) and gaining most of my 100lb weight loss. I found myself back at the gym and motivated as ever only to be stopped by a hernia. In short, what transpired in the next few months was nothing short of a crisis after another. Now two months after my hernia surgery, I find myself back almost to where I started from. However, this time around I'm suffering from another health issue that keeps me from walking or moving long distance. Nonetheless, I surely needed a goal to get me motivated. I am a firm believer that the human body is a miracle machine and it can do anything!

My hubby and I have been together 18 yrs this year and married for 9 yrs. Our relationship and journey together has had many ups and downs. We have been fortunate to whether through them. Years ago we certainly weathered through a hazard of a storm and we survived as a couple. One of the lingering issues in my heart has always been whether my hubby married me to be with me, or because of our son Diodato. I know most people who know us, would think I am nuts! But, once that seed of doubt has been planted, it's like a weed in the soul and is very hard to get rid of. What I am reminded of, is the words and the dark woman who planted them. I will attest that Tony certainly has gone way beyond having to prove himself to me. He's a great man, and we've all grown from those experiences.

Anyhow, today over coffee we discussed our long standing relationship. Next year, we will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. We always said after the storm, that we would renew our vows for our tenth anniversary as a pledge to ourselves and our commitment to our beautiful children. Today, we sealed the deal! Next year we have planned to sacredly renew our vows in a remote location with our children.

All in all, I have to get back on the wagon and now I have a reason! No way I'm renewing my vows overweight! Everytime I look at my wedding photos, I'm reminded of my struggle with weight. I am not going down that route again. I dream of being in a beautiful gown, and looking my best. Now, it's time to do something about it and make it happen!

Aloha! ;>


Kathy1898 said...

Oh Kim,

I just LOVED this post!! I think you are such a strong and wonderful mommy. I have struggled with my weight too, since forever. I know where you are coming from...and I know you are smart and look at your life now and all that you have been through, especially 3 beautiful healthy children, and the weight issue is trivial in comparison. But it is something that can eat away over time, and as moms, I feel we owe it to ourselves to be happy, in all aspects, and no matter how long it takes to get there.

I am so happy you and Tony and renewing your vows. How special and beautiful!

Kimmy said...

Ah! Kathy...I really admire you!