Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Confessions of a Mother!


Yep, moi! My usual morning routine consists of waking up at 7:15 am with Diodato, getting him off to school by 7:45am. Then Carmelo...and driving him by 8:50am. THEN: I go back to bed for an hour as Antonio usually sleeps until 10 am or I go creep Facebook! I am soooooo bad! On my defence, I usually need it after a morning with Carmelo...that or a glass of wine! LOL

Then after having a conversation with my trainer Lene, I realized many things. An hour! I whole hour of me time is spent sleeping or wasting time on Facebook. What a waste! I could be working-out...besides I DRIVE RIGHT BY THE GYM~ Shame on me!

So I made a decision (along with the kick in the a@@) from my trainer. Good job Lene, I sure need it! I love ya!
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I am to report at the gym after dropping off Carmelo at school as my hubby is still home in the morning until 11am. Strictly cardio...and maybe a tan...and then a starbucks ;)...Kidding!
Suze Orman on Oprah totally got to me and I've reduced myself to one a week! Morevoer, my hubby will be waiting at home for me with a caffee latte just for me; made with lot's of love! lol

Decision made! Gym bag at the door ready! However, sometimes, things just don't go as planned. So Lene!!! I appologize for not being at the gym this morning! I went back to bed! BUT>>>> I think I have good reason. Last night, while bathing my boys, Antonio my 2 1/2 year old banged his head climbing out of the bath. He was unusually drowsy, and incoherent. His pupils were dilated and then he vomited. He suffered a mild concussion. We whisked him off to CHEO. We were there until 1 am, and got home at 1:30am. We woke him up every three hours. I also wanted to be here when he woke up this morning to ensure he was okay. Thankfully, he seems to have bounced back!

Don't fret though! I will do cardio today on my own!

Thursday am I will report to the gym!

Never a dull moment...but everything works out perfectly! In fact, it made me want to make more of an effort to go to the gym. Really! I'm a strange girl. But, I love it! I realize that it's time to get really serious about this weight loss/fitness situation. I mean...I think I can work-out at 9 am! How stupid! When athletes, and stars even Oprah work-out at 5 am! Come on! I'm a role model...my blog got 100 hits on Saturday! LOL!!!
So you've inspired me to be the best I can be; and that means NO SLEEPING! Well, the universe is listening; what I mean is no going back to bed on week-days after my two sons have gone to school.

Time is a ticking...and my fat needs a burning!


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