Friday, October 3, 2008

All in a day...

I know this has nothing to do with weight loss, but it is part of the whole of my journey.
This is what I have to deal with, and why sometimes I either cannot work-out or I run to the fridge to dull my senses ;)

First of all, let me introduce you to my son Carmelo. He is 7 years old. He is very sensitive and takes EVERYTHING personally! I mean everything! He is loud; you'll ALWAYS know when Carmelo is around. He is extremely social and LOVES to talk! He is bright and gregarious. I have included a few photos of him. I will have lot's of stories of all my children, but I'm sure he'll have a book of stories! Don't get me wrong, I fully affirm that ALL children are special. However, this guy was born to teach me :) Bless his soul!

So, I have included some older stories that I have noted; and the one from yesterday...

September 30, 2007.

"Mom, I come with the LOUD package; it was an upgrade you know!"

Oct. 1, 2007. (Antonio is my two year old...who was 18 months at the time)

"Mom, Antonio belongs in a Chinese family; he speaks Chinese and I can't understand ONNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEE word he says!!!! We should drop him off or something..."

This is a summer one (but a classic no doubt):

So Carmelo is sitting at the reception desk at the salon, helping his dad.
This little old lady walks in ( a regular client) and says to Carmelo: "well, hello young man..."
Carmelo: "Can I help you?"
Lady: "when did you start working here? I've never seen you here before?"
Carmelo: "oh, I've worked here since I was born! I'm the MANAGER here; that's why you've never seen me!...I get paid $7000.00 thousand a week; I don't need to come in everyday!!!!!"

Oct. 3, 2008.

So Carmelo has been waiting forever to start violin lessons. We were recommended this phenomenal teacher from a friend who is into the music business here in Ottawa. When I called her (the teacher), she immediately told me that she is VERY selective with her choice of students. She doesn't teach just anybody. She interviews them first extensively...

So our interview was yesterday...and when we opened the door...she said "soooo you are CaRRRRRRmelo?" My immediate thought was great...she's rolling her R's we go with Carmelo;

CaRRRRRRRRmelo proceeds to tell her that he is left handed.

Teacher: OH! well...that will make it very easy for you to play violin as that's the hardest part is where the left hand is placed.
Did you know CaRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR melo that scientists' believe that left handed people are gifted and special.

Carmelo: WELLLLLLLLLL....I wouldn't believe scientists! They've been arguing since the beginning of time whether zero is a number or not. I mean come on! Who cares?!!!

Teacher; Okay. Ummm... soooooo CaRRRRmelooooo...the violin is a very difficult instrument to master. Some of the most renown composers were actually a little crazy. They were so outstandingly talented, and passionate that it made them a little coo-coo!

Carmelo: (intently listening with a raised eyebrow)

Me: (thinking...oh shit...)

Teacher: ya, so their compositions are still very famous today, even though people of their time thought they had a loose screw or two...composers like Vivaldi, Benedetti, Mozart...Beethoven...

Carmelo: ...(long pause) Well that should settle it! I fit right in!!!

Teacher: (confused) so?



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