Saturday, October 18, 2008

After a Good Night's Rest!


What a good night's rest will do!

Last night I left the nutrition session feeling like somewhat of a failure. Not that the nutritionist was trying to point that out to me. Just here I am preaching and writing what is working for me...and apparently it's all wrong! So please don't follow what I'm doing at

First of all, everyone has a right to their opinion. I really believe that. This woman is obviously very knowledgeable in the field. I can tell she's wise and has truly studied what she is 'preaching'. I also believe that we are all different because people come into our lives to teach us something valuable about ourselves. So if your sister-in-law is getting on your nerves because she saves every penny, it's time to look in the mirror! That's Oprah's analogy of it, and I love it! Sometimes, I need a gentle nudge 'reminder' though. Anyhow, so obviously I can learn a thing or two or three from this nutritionist. In fact, in just one hour I learned quite a bit!

Secondly, the universe will give you a message. It will be a whisper, a gentle knock, a louder bang and then a bang on the head IF you don't pay attention. So light bulb moment! This woman has much valuable information...and I can't go buy her book as she hasn't written it yet.
So I'm sending in my husband first! hahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha

All jokes aside, my hubby needs her, and hopefully she'll take him on as a client. Out of ten clients she only chooses two to work with. Oh, and you never a week from now I may be blogging: "GUESS WHO IS A CLIENT OF THE NUTRITIONIST; ME!"

So I came up with a solution! I pulled out my "The Best Life Diet" by Bob Green and I'm looking into buying "You on a Diet" by Dr. Oz. I also picked up "Real Life" by Dr. Phil and "Mother Warrior" by Jenny McCarthy. Suffice to say, I have quite a bit of reading ahead of me.
Nonetheless, sometimes we gather so much information that we forget. So I'm doing a sweep of things, and make an executive decision from there. I am very well read. I inform and educate myself first and foremost.

I think what I'm doing is working for me at the moment. As I have lost some weight (even though apparently only 10 lbs of fat :() When we consult with her again, I will take it from there. No sense worrying about things.

I forgot to mention that she's also really works on the emotional side of eating. So she just doesn't tell you: here is a menu eat this. The crucial part of a weight loss program is getting to the trigger; why are you over weight...why do you make poor eating decisions for yourself? Why do you not eat? etc...
THAT IS CRUCIAL!!!!! You can't make a lifestyle change IF you are unwilling to work on the inside out.

I woke-up this morning and went downstairs and trained on the elliptical for 25 minutes. The story behind that....
According to the nutritionist (I'm not naming her as she's very private about this...for various reasons; if you'd like a free consult with her, email me; I'd be more than happy to give you her contact info), I train at 4 say I burn 500 calories. I need 3500 calories in a day to function. I am now 500 calories deficient of that. I come home and eat. My body is immediately registering a deficiency in calorie intake. It will take what I need (minimal) and store the rest. So if I continue to do this pattern in a week; a 1 pound gain.
HOWEVER, if you train in the morning before eating, you are burning fat. As your body is in fat burning mode already from the night. If I have to train at 4 ish...I must come home and eat 1000 calories or more to make up for that...over time my body will register the extra calories and burn the fat. She explains it as a very fragile gentle circle of events that register of time. Your body is a fine tuned machine.

She also believes that 15-20 minutes of cardio first thing in the equal to that of a 2 hour work-out in the pm.

She's had over 10 000 clients...and she covers her data efficiently. She's also not a 'weight loss' gimmick. She's about lifestyle change inside and out.

All that to say, after concluding I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON, I woke-up and thought; "I have nothing to lose but fat. Cardio here I come!"
So cardio for the day is done. I felt great. I also sweated immensely while doing cardio this am!
I'll keep you posted!!!

Until then, I'm going to read and read!

Oh...and Rambo (if you read yesterday's blog) is not even close to Jack Bauer in my eyes. LOL But, it was nice to cuddle and watch a movie anyhow. Tonight we are watching Rambo
Hold the popcorn! ;)


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