Friday, November 20, 2009

Thank God It's Friday Update

Oprah!!!! Is ending her show?! Holy! I have basically a year and a half to get on there. Otherwise, my psychics' prediction won't come true!? (Sounds ludicrous, I know...but more than one person has told me one can dream, eh?!) I'm not worried though. Apparently, Oprah is ending her show, to start up some stuff on her OWN network. Ah...we'll leave it with the Universe and see what happens.

Speaking of the Universe and freaky stuff. It has been a year to date since I last worked out with my ex-trainer Lene at Goodlife. So this week last year was the last I trained with her, when I found out I had a hernia. The other day, I went to the gym and noticed Lene's photo off the 'trainer wall'.

Lene has recently quit Goodlife and started working at a private gym, here in my neighbourhood (fancy that!). I contacted her and discovered that she is giving exercise classes at the private gym.

I'm in! The time, the day, the location and the price is perfect. The creepy thing is....we will continue our journey working together: one year to the date where we left off! Plus, I am at the exact weight I was a year ago. Most notably, I'm in a much better place emotionally and mentally than last year at this time. Life can be beautifully strange

I'm hoping this will shake things up for me. My weight is really stuck. I'm trying hard not to get discouraged. Furthermore, I'm working out extra hard in order to budge the scale before I get depressed and disheartened. I've added this core exercise class, and the Hot Power Yoga on Wednesday's to shake my body up. I've also added five minutes to my cardio. Tony and I have also taken a few walks at night. There's nothing else I can do...but work hard and wait for my body to let go of that fat!

I received an email from my friend yesterday regarding a recent post I made: "I'm heading to Hot Power Yoga....wish me luck...the chubby, uncoordinated, inflexible girl is doing something she would only do as a skinny girl! "

" Kimmy if you speak that way about yourself, the universe is listening...and you will always be the 'chubby, undoordinated, inflexible girl'. You of all people should know this?! I don't need to preach to you about this, as you are the one who taught it to me. However, like any good need a gentle reminder too. Change your thoughts, change your journey and change your life!"

She is right! The mind is a powerful tool, and the Universe is always listening. So I leave you on this great Friday, wishing you all a wonderful week-end. This healthy, beautiful, fit girl has got to go work-out! ;>



Anonymous said...

Good girl! :)

You forgot to mention how the producers of Oprah had actually called you in 2004! That is big!

Love ya, your journey is raw and so inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are getting things moving to keep your momentum going.

The Universe is a funny thing. I try my best to listen to it and tell it what I want. Perhaps I need to listen harder or speak louder.

I wish you much success with your trainer.

Joania said...

Hey Kimmy...The news almost knocked me off my chair as well. I love Oprah!! I would love to meet her someday - one of my biggest inspirations!!

Anyway, glad to see that you are pushing through and shaking things up..keep at it!! You will make it and keep smiling :) **hugzzz**

Everyday Superhero said...

When in doubt remember this:
At the moment of commitment the universe conspires to assist you.
It can also work in the opposite way. You put negative thoughts out there then negative stuff happens. Funny how life works, eh?