Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stepping out of the Box

I've had time to reflect and think. I've gotten a few answers to my trainer's questions.

Reflecting, and getting stronger is really part of this journey too. Trying to balance parenting, a relationship, housework, school work and life is all part of it. Waiting for a better day to work-out, eat better is not going to happen. Learning to balance everything is key. I know I've said this before; however it is the key.

I also know that in order to have success, I must act like I am successful already. In other words, saying to myself; 'oh, when I am thin...I will run a 5k, I will go to yoga etc...' Kim! It's not going to happen if I don't do it now. Now is the time...Again, athletes think and act like athletes long before they reach their goals. Business people dress for success long before they reach the top. I clued in that us on a healthier lifestyle journey must do the same.

What does that mean for me? First of all, no more binging! On Sunday, I had an opportunity to binge (as Sunday is usually my day of rest, and treat). However, this Sunday I did a 45 minute (hard) cardio session. If I wanted to treat myself that night....working-out was a must. It completely worked in my favour.
  1. I didn't eat as much
  2. I made wiser 'treat' choices

In addition, I have come to realize that in order to be successful in this healthier lifestyle journey. You must do it for yourself. I realized that when I had reached my goal weight both times in the past, I did it for others. Eventually, piled the weight back on.

The first time as a teenager. My mother had promised me an entire new wardrobe if I could lose weight. I lost 80 lbs and won a prestigious award through TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly). I was the talk of my town. Everyone was so proud of me. Nonetheless, my Mom never came through on her promise. As you can imagine being a teenager, it's all about the clothes. Finally, for the first time in my life I could wear clothes that not only looked good, but fit good. I remember floating in my clothes. I ended up getting an after school job making pizza's for $ 4.00 an hour, saved and saved and bought some clothes. The biggest disappointment was the fact that I knew my mother had the money.

The second weight loss story, I've told many times on this blog. I lost over one hundred pounds, looked my best ever, only to have my hubby have an affair on me. The biggest betrayal of my life. To add fuel to the fire, the girl was not even good looking, or a 'good' person. However, my marriage is stronger than ever...and I look at this time as a blessing. We both learned valuable lessons from this time. My only one left: I can be healthy and fit and my hubby will still love me!

Anyhow, all this to babble about finding my truths. I've been watching allot of 'weight loss' programs these days. It was something Bob Harper (The Biggest Loser) said that really struck a nerve with me. He said something along the lines that if you want to really conquer your weight loss goals (because according to Dr. Oz only 5 % of those who attempt a weight loss journey actually succeed), you MUST STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. YOU MUST STEP OUT OF THE BOX.

That is a biggie for me! I know I have to do it. Tomorrow...I am stepping out of my box. I am going to attend a Hot Power Yoga. Now for me that is HUGE! First of all, I'm the most inflexible human on earth. Secondly, balance and coordination are not my strong suit. Lastly, I am still big. Walking into a class full of 'Yoga lites' is not something I look forward too. One must do, what one must do. Attempting to do Yoga at home, is not working for me. So I must step out of the box.

Stepping out of the Box means living my truth!


Anonymous said...

Go Kimmy! I was sad to read about your mother not following through. That must have hurt you.

Enjoy the hot yoga. I have been before and it is tough, but I know you can do it.

Kimmy said...

Thanks Kimberley...!!!
I'll let you know how it goes. Stepping out of the box is NOT easy! :<


Everyday Superhero said...

So sad that your mom didn't follow through with her promise. It's memories like that one that we hold on to and they can either motivate or hurt us.

It's wonderful that you're stepping out of the box. I'm a huge fan of Bob Harper.

Kimmy said...

Thank you Stefania!

Yes, my mother hurt me. However, I am proud of myself for getting a job, and buying my own clothes.