Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'm a Fighter!

Yesterday, while weight training I had a minor set back. I fell off my exercise ball right onto my tailbone. I injured myself severely. I actually started to cry. What a pain!!

(My three year old, saddistic Antonio thought it was hiliarious!)

Anyhow, I'm quite soar today. Pah! This isn't going to stop me from working out and reaching my goals.

I took the boys for some Starbucks today after Carmy's soccer, and walked by Sport Check and there it was: my perfect new work-out tee. I just had to have it!

:> (I'm off to break-in sweat my new tee thanks to advil...and some stubborness.)

On this journey, whatever works!


Anonymous said...

Ouch! That must have hurt so much. Poor Kimmy. Hope the pain has subsided.

Great a pic of yourself rockin' it!

Anonymous said...

Hope your tailbone has improved!