Saturday, October 31, 2009

Week 19!

Great News!
I am down another pound! I'm a little nervous because I'm on the brink of turning a corner and reaching a major milestone for me. However, I'm excited in the weeks to come to share it with you all. I won't breathe another word of it, until it happens.
Kim: - 1 lb
Total: -23 lbs
Now, for the sake of anything. Tony is not happy that all his progress is being reported on my blog. LOL He's not so much on the inspiration page as I am. So...shh... (in other words, don't tell him you read it on here!...a little bird told ya!)
Tony has now lost a total of:
*huge drum roll
*Another 5 lbs gone!
Total weight loss:
- 51 lbs
So very proud of him. The thing with Tony, he is doing it all by watching what he eats and making sure he has his breakfast in the morning. Amazing what eating healthy and clean does.


Joania said...

HEy baby!! Congrats to you!! 25 right around the corner! You can do it!! Halloween is over thank GOODNESS!! Let's get it done!! :)

Kimmy said...

Thanks Joania for you support!

I caved yesterday and ate chocolate (lot's of it :<)!

Today, is a new day...lot's of water and a work-out!
