Thursday, October 22, 2009

Humbled I am

One of my new favourite sayings, "Like everything else, when you ask...the Universe comes a running. The universe will knock and knock at your door, the universe will ring the door bell and finally if nobody answers, the universe will break the door down. It's best to answer on the first knock."

The other day, I blogged about my foul mood as of late. The other night my neighbour came for tea. I told her how I'd been feeling lately. She too had been feeling out of sorts. The change of season really brings out the worst in all of us. However, being the wise soul she is, she quickly retorted with, 'but we are healthy, our children are too, our husband's love us...we have so much to appreciate...we must focus only on that." With that she continued...the story and I am somewhat ashamed of my pompous behaviour.

A woman we know through neighbours and family is a breast cancer survivor. She is single (her hubby left her for her best friend) and has three children. She now stays at home and babysits her grandchild. She hasn't been feeling well lately. She recently found out her cancer has returned. Her chances of survival, are not very good and her doctor has advised her to get all her affairs in order. Surgery is the best option, and if successful chemo will follow. That is a big IF due to the location of the tumour. With all this, she has asked that her surgery be postponed until after Christmas so that she can spend this time with her loved ones. The doctors agreed, surgery is booked for January 1.

She used to have it 'all', beautiful home, jewelry, fancy cars, and a house full of friends all the time. Then something changed, she got sick and the lifestyle changed. It all tumbled so quickly, even the 'friends' can hardly spare a 'hello' when they run into each other. She boasts today, that it was an illusion. Material items do not bring happiness. It is not what matters in life. Do not be fooled. All that can be gone in an instant. It is who you are and what you stand for that is lasting. A lesson she has learned well. Appreciate what you have, and don't take it for granted. She now truly appreciates what life is really about.

Throughout it all, she continues to cook for her boy's soccer team, and is at every game to cheer them on. She takes her daughter shopping. Always a smile on her face, a kiss and a warm hug to greet you. She spends her days, with her children, and grandchild. She no longer worries about cleaning, laundry, having her nails done and her hair perfect etc...instead she focuses on being, and spending as much quality time as she can.

Something we can all learn from her. That my friends is strength! This woman emanates courage and love. What an inspiration she is. I bow to her, and pray for her to beat this. Miracles do happen.

I am more complaining for me. Life is too precious to be sitting around being angry, bitter and resentful. We must live each day to the fullest, happily with gratitude. We never know what life has to offer us, however if today was my last day, tomorrow I would regret not having lived it with joy.

I'm off to go pick-up Diodato from school as he just finished running his first 5k (So proud of you buddy! You beat Mommy to it! ...however I'll challenge his time of 41 minutes.) Then, I'm coming home to colour and read with Antonio before he is off to Oxford.

Humbled I am,



Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you. There are so many people who have it worse.

I also think that at times we can give in to a little pity party because although someone else might have it worse our lives might not be a giant picnic at the time.

Hopefully you understand what I mean.

I really admire the strength of the woman you mentioned in your post. Someone to emulate.

Kimmy said...

Thank you Kimberley always for your wisdom!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kimmy, thanks for the comment on my blog.

Here is a recent article from the newspaper in my city re: H1N1.