Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blowing-off Steam with the Shift.

Last week, I blogged about my encounter with Bruce Bonner. How my body scan showed intense levels of stress. Especially from my heart, heart chakra and emotional state. Be it, I am an emotional person. There is lot's of resentment hiding behind my gracious smile and sweet green eyes.

After pondering my scan, I realized that I am a moment away from losing my cool. I have zero patience with my children. My hubby gets snappy answers. I answer the phone like it is a mortal enemy disturbing my peace on the other line. In addition, I am a moments away from crossing the line with some who have been deserving some medicine of their own. I am short of breath. My skin is red like my energy. My eyes are throwing daggers. My body, my mind and my spirit has reached a boiling point.

You see, I have a major pet peeve with 'injustices' and 'unfairness'. I cringe at people who have superiority complexes. Sometimes, I want to just go over there and knock them down to ground level. We are all after all equals, nobody is better or above anyone. I don't understand how someone could laugh at another one's misfortune. How some feel it is okay to mistreat others or even how they treat my children. I seem to be on some type of spiritual high horse, and for that I apologize. I'm trying my best to control myself. Seems like I am being tested to and forth. I've really had enough!

I always try to take the high road. It's embedded in my spirit. I always try to stay on the side that karma will take care of things. I always listen to our brother Jesus who taught us all to turn the other cheek. The glass for me is always more than half full anyhow.

With every pound I am losing (AGAIN!), I am uncovering some deep emotional wounds. I realize more and more that as we grow older, we really start to weed out the 'good' and the 'bad' people in our lives. Most people come into our lives to help us grow along our journey. But, why do people have to torture you along the way? What is it with that?!

Why are people so mean and vindictive? Why are some some evil? Why are some people so selfish and egocentric? I just don't get it! Someone once told me that what you see in people is usually what you don't see in yourself. I disagree with my entire being and soul!

So when Bruce walked me through my scan, I had a huge 'AHA' moment. There staring me in the face were my issues, embedded deep within my body and affecting it on every cell level. What could I do? How could I heal this part of myself. Surely, I cannot go on being so angry and bitter. It goes against who I am, and who I aspire to be.

Like everything else, when you ask...the Universe comes a running. The universe will knock and knock at your door, the universe will ring the door bell and finally if nobody answers, the universe will break the door down. It's best to answer on the first knock.

The answer came in the form of a quote from Sonia Choquette: "Resentments and old angers keep you from tuning into your vibes. What must you forgive and release? It is time to take an honest look at this question don't you think?"

So I took the time and journaled my private thoughts, and my anger at certain people, situations and such. I feel better. I could have posted it all here, however I would be adding to the negativity of it all. I choose for it to stop with me, and that makes me happy. I am not in control of what other people do, how they act or how they choose to view others or things. I am in control of how I react; and that needs to be in accordance to my beliefs and my spirit.

What I do know is that the universe has its own way of shifting the balance over the course of time so that all things are ultimately fair. We can trust in this process and understand that karma actually exists. In time, there is balance.
We just have to forgive, move forth in our journey taking the lessons that are brought forth, turning the page.

So I'm releasing my anger. I'm letting go because it is not serving me. Whatever happens, happens. People make their choices and I must make mine according. The steam has been blown-off, the shift to balance and happiness begins. This is what my kids, my hubby, my true family, my genuine friends and I deserve. The universe will balance everyone else in the end, so that I don't have to.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely post. Glad you figured out what to do to move past your obstacles.