Thursday, October 1, 2009

Time to Tighten the Belt: a Meeting with our Trainer

Last night, Tony and I had a quick sit down with Rob ( and we discussed a few things.
I spoke to Rob briefly about my frustrations with lack of weight loss compared to Tony. I know...I know...he's a man, he has more weight to lose blah, blah, blah. But, as my eight year old Carmelo would surely say if he was in my place; "come on fricken all ready!"

Here I am, eating my cereal with almond breeze, drinking one coffee a day with my stevia, making sure to drink all my water, having snacks, and eating my meals 4 hours apart and especially making sure not to eat before going to bed. I'm doing my cardio and adding in some yoga.

Tony is having his protein shake in the morning if I make it for him. Skipping lunch (that's right Rob! I'm outing him), having sweets at work, thanks to those sabotaging girls at work! Plus, only drinking a tad of water. NOT working-out. Having a crappy protein bar for "lunch". Plus, having a bowl of cereal at night with MILK!

The difference? Tony loses $@@@@ a zillion pounds....Kim? ...the scale decides to budge down a small notch!!! As Jillian would say on The Biggest Loser: "F@@@ing BULL@@T MAN!!!"

Okay, I'm finished venting. As Rob made something very clear to me (I heard ya Rob...loud and clear). I need to weight train! I repeat: I need to weight train!
As Rob explained (and I already knew this...but it selectively skipped my mind): Men naturally have more muscle, therefore when they eat right (apparently Tony is on the right track still) they lose weight faster and more efficiently. Woman are not as muscular, therefore MUST compensate by weight-training. Cardio is NOT enough. If I might add to Rob's thoughts on this, from a woman's perspective; woman are built to carry some fat and less muscle due to nature's way (pregnancy especially). That is why once a month when Auntie Rose pays her visit, we tend to gain a few pounds or not lose weight that week. It's the body's natural instinct to prepare in case of pregnancy.

I know I am 100% accountable for not doing my weight-training. After much reflection last night, I am one hundred percent committed to this weight loss journey. Rob has advised me to:
4x a week weight train
3x a week cardio (30 mins)
yoga when possible.

I came up with a great solution. I brought up my mat, free weights, ball etc...from the cruddy basement (a bonus of having a brand new home) and placed them in the living room. Twenty or so minutes in the morning while my three year old has his breakfast is all it's going to take. I have no excuses other than I am the excuse. I have also added a new side page detailing my work-out calendar so that I can be held accountable for not working-out (feel free to kick me when I'm not keeping up!) It begins today!


Anonymous said...

You can do it. You are an inspiration to so many. Be proud of your accomplishments!

Bisou Bisou :>

Anonymous said...

Pump that iron!!!