Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Little Sacrifice Goes a Long Way...

Yesterday, I had a meeting with my trainer. Mainly because she wanted to look over my weekly food tracker. Also, because I feel like I'm in a 'rut'. The scale is not budging that quick and I wanted to see if there was more I could do.

We both concluded that perhaps I am eating to many carbs in the day. NOT that I want to go carb free, but essentially that I need more protein during the day. I seriously don't believe in these no carb, low carb 'diets'. I've seen way to many times what this does to the system. For me, this is a lifestyle change...and that means that I need to do this slowly, naturally and normally.

So, a few things I'm going to change is;

My usual morning breakfast consisted of a toasted english muffin and 1/2 glass orange juice. We've switched to oatmeal with berries. Alternatively, I may have my english muffin but with organic natural peanut butter instead of butter and jam.
Also, I need a few more snacks in the day. A delicious snack suggested by my trainer is apples and peanut butter. Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein. But, the importance is that it is natural peanut butter and organic is a bonus.

Furthermore, I always try to eat organic as much as I can. We have enough toxins, and hormones in our environment and food to start off with. Trying to cut back even a little is helpful in my opinion. Every little bit is beneficial!

Speaking of that, I also want to talk about making small sacrifices. Especially since I'm giving up my morning toasted english muffin with butter and jam! lol Making small changes in your daily nutrition can make for large impacts. For instance, I used to take two teaspoons of sugar in my morning cappuccino. At one point, I had the mind set that I refused to take away my sugar. It was for me my morning sanity and pick-me-up for the day. I now empasize and whole heartedly stress that if you want change with your body, than you got to be willing to make the change in your lifestyle! Taking away one teaspoon of sugar...seems like a minute change but in fact;

1 tsp of sugar = 50 calories
50 calories x 365 days ( 1 year) = 18 250 calories

If one pound of fat = 3 500 calories and you've cut out 18 250 calories that means that you've saved 5 lbs!!!! Only by taking away 50 calories in one day! AMAZING!!!

" In today's world it is easy to eat healthier and make small sacrifices. It just takes commitement and a yearning on your part. Pledge yourself to wanting to make those 'small' changes. Remember and be alert. Simply making small changes can have huge impacts. Make the choice healthier. Think twice and shop around for alternatives. You are not substituting taste, you are shifting to an improved lifestyle. " - Spiritual Journey Through Weight Loss; A Light Way!

Other small changes I've made:

  • non-fat yogurt instead of regular yogurt ( same great taste but a saving of 100 cal.)
  • skim milk instead of cream or regular milk
  • splenda instead of sugar or less sugar
  • smart pop instead of chips or higher fat popcorn
  • frozen yogurt or skinny cow (yum!) instead of ice cream
  • my favourite starbucks drink comes in a light version; I save 230 cal. !

Well, I'm's snack time and I'm going to go test out this peanut butter and apple snack!



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