Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I received an email inquiry from a woman who hadn't lost yet ten pounds so my 10 lb potato bag trick wouldn't apply. Another trick is butter. For instance, today I stepped on the scale and I'm 1/2 pound down. May seem discouraging. So I pull out my pound of butter, I lost half of that! Yes! At least my weight loss is on the right path. Even .5 lb is quite alot when you look at it that way. So count your 1/2 lbs and 1 lbs of butter! It all adds up or down rather. ;)

So yeah, another half pound gone (for good). Pretty good considering I haven't been getting all my water in. I have been averaging about 8 glasses a day. So hard to reach that 12 glass target. I have to make more of an effort in that department. I truly know that when I consume all my water, it's easy for my body to flush away the toxins, and fat. When fat is oxidized (burned) and consumed into energy, a waste product is produced that must be flushed from the body to maintain proper health and continue with the fat loss performance. Water essentially helps my body function better. Those who retain excess water are people who simply don't drink enough water. When the body doesn't receive enough water, it goes into a survival mode and responds by storing water resulting in weight gain or bloating. When I drink more water, I have more energy and I am feel more full...so it keeps me from eating and keeps me active at the same time.
Water is absolutely essential to weight loss! There is NO way around it.
Here are some tricks I use to help get my water in:

I drink a glass first thing in the morning (before my coffee). It's a great wake-up for your body.

I drink a glass before lunch and dinner

I drink one glass before going to bed

When I'm working-out...I always consume at least 2 glasses during my work-out (that's 500ml) and one post work-out

That's seven glasses right there! The other five I have to get in between.
I always carry a water bottle with me wherever I go. I also always have water bottles in my fridge ready to go.
Once you get in the habit, water becomes part of your daily ritual. You will find that when you don't drink your water...you will feel blah.

Another thing I must do, I have been saying this for quite some time; My vision board. I read "The Secret", I watched "The Secret", and I read many other books on manifesting abundance. What do I have to say about it? Well, I truly believe that we have the power to manifest whatever we wish and desire. The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool we bear. It's not only about having material desires. It's more about living the life you always dreamed of. Living your best life. Being the best you were meant to be. Embracing your magnificence NOW. Most importantly, it's more than just ASK, BELIEVE AND RECEIVE.
In my opinion, first and foremost, your desire has to come from a place of love. That deep within feeling of love. Love is essentially the highest frequency we can emit. The more love, the more power! Kryon said : "When you call upon the love of God and exercise pure intent, there will be miracles." So anything else, just won't be as mighty. So your desire has to come from a good place and be for a good reason. Like when you are praying for someone to re-cover from an illness. That is a great example. If you pour love into the prayer; it makes it that much more powerful. Not to say that God doesn't listen to all our prayers. As a matter of fact, it's like saying Thank you...and really meaning it. There is a difference between a 'thanks' and a "oh...thank you, I appreciate this so very much". Emotion is a very powerful tool!

The second loop hole is letting go. "Let Go and Let God" This is really the hard part. There is an ancient saying; "if you hang on to your desire, it makes it difficult for the angels to take your prayer up to the heaven's." Why? Because you are hanging on to it...lol By letting go, you are allowing the Universe to take over and make magic happen! Release! Release! Release!

Thirdly, take action! For example, you can't sit on the couch, eating away to oblivion and expect to lose weight. You got to help the universe along. Work at it. Live it and dream it.
Four years ago, a friend of mine told me a little ritual she performs every New Years Day. In a quiet moment, she jots down ten goals or desires for the year. She then gives thanks for the year past and is grateful for the year ahead. She then burns the paper and releases the 'prayer'. She proceeded to tell me the power of this ritual and how it brought much abundance into her life in all ways and forms.. On New Years Day in 2004, I gave it a shot. What did I have to lose? Over the course of the year, I forgot about my list. I mostly forgot what I had put down on my list. That is my memory; great for releasing and letting go! lol
Anyhow, over the course of a couple of years, I slowly realized that all my list had come to fruition. Like magic! It wasn't until I had the item or desire that it would hit me: "wow...this was on my list!". AMAZING!

Okay! Back to the vision board. So essentially * a vision board is a board. :) On it, you can put photos, mantra's quotes...anything you desire. Another good friend of mine recently was telling me how she had manifested everything on her vision board. It was time for her to refill the board so to speak! Wow!
My vision board...when I finally get to it will surely have many fitness mantra's, my perfect body ect.....:) I'll post a photo as soon as I get it completed!

To everyone, I leave you today with this...we are in the midst of a glorious time. It is now or never! Get off the couch! Live your best life...what are you waiting for?


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