Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not much news to report. Evidently, I lost a pound. Not much considering I've been working hard and eating well. So I measure myself, and I lost another inch in a half. I don't understand this fat burning stuff, really. I'm losing ton's of inches but only down 26 lbs thus far. But, I'll take it. It's better than a gain.
So my trainer asked me to measure my resting heart rate. Apparently, I wasn't supposed to get out of bed before measuring it. I'm glad I read up on it. I measure my rate and this morning it was 103. Anything over 85 is really poor! So tomorrow, when I open my eyes, I will measure more accurately and no walking around before hand.
All this to get my fat burn zone, target heart rate. Otherwise, I'm not burning fat when I'm working out. Staying in that zone is crucial to my weight loss. To get this fat burning target we are going to use the "Karvonen Formula".
Seems easy enough. Then again, weight loss is made it to be so much more complicated than it should be.
." Every day you consume food, which gives you energy, and every day you expend some of this energy for basic body function, to digest food and for activity. Overall, the energy that you take in should be balanced with the energy you expend. This would result in a stable body weight. To lose weight you simply need to shift this equation so that you expend more energy then you consume. Whether the energy comes from fat or carbohydrate stores is not an issue. What is important is the amount of energy, or calories, you expend" (The fat burning zone. myfit.ca)
So when you are in the fat burning zone, you are working on expending those stored up calories. Sounds easy!

I will give it a try and focus on my fat burning zone when I'm doing cardio. Perhaps, I haven't reached my zone, or maybe I was overextending it into aerobic which uses a different energy source other than fat.
Weight loss is like a science!

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