Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Follow-up to Stepping out of the Box

I hope this finds everyone happy and well on this first day of December. Last month of the year already, time flies.

With all the happenings last week, I forgot to come back and report my 'Stepping out of the Box' experience.

Let me just say it was AWESOME and HOT!

I decided to go to Hot Power Yoga. I was extremely nervous. First of all, I am not very flexible. I do yoga very awkwardly. Not only do I look weird, I feel weird. I am also not coordinated in any way. I am clumsy...clumsy...clumsy. So being graceful, controlled and aesthetic for yoga is never going to happen for me. Nevertheless, I know that Yoga is excellent for total body wellness.

I tried doing it at home, on my own. It's just not the same. Plus, with three kids in the house and a very busy household...never any peace.

So, after much passive aggressiveness, protestation, and refutal, I decided to take the plunge. I believe it was Bob Harper who said that in order for one to change their habits, you must step out of the box. Get out of the everyday comfort zone and do something you've always wanted to do. In order to reach your goals, you must find that courage and determination to get you there.

I always aspired to be one of those fit girls. Ya, know the type. She wears all Lulu lemon clothes, and they fit her body magically. She makes the work-out gear look like formal wear the way it shapes her body. Her hair is perfectly brushed in a beautiful ponytail. Her work-out gear is neat, organized and matches. Just the way she sits on the mat, in peace...you know she's good. She's a Yoga Sensei. Her body moves effortlessly from pose to pose. She looks model perfect in every pose, smiling throughout the entire session. Anyhow, I always wished to emulate such a type when "I would be thin and fit myself'.

So thus I decided, "why wait until I'm thinner and fit"? Yoga will help me reach those goals.
I took that leap of faith, and did it. Yes, I was nervous and awkward...But, I finished. What a feeling! I cannot tell you how glorious it felt when we we were all done, and I hadn't fallen on my butt or made some burst out laughing at my attempts. I may not have looked all picture perfect (aside from maybe corpse pose!), but I did feel so free and loose afterwards. Oh! and staying at the VERY back of the class helps too! :>

I have to agree with Bob. Stepping out of the box is essential to reaching those goals. Proving to ourselves that we can do it; today. Sure being in the box makes us feel safe and secure. It gives us the excuse 'not to do it'. The box keeps us stuck. It keeps us stagnate, and holds us back from moving forth on our journey. Taking the courage and determination to make that first step gives us the power back. It shows us that we are strong, and we can do this. It opens the door to so many other experiences that await us....one step at a time.

I may not be perfectly yogalicious...but I am working on it!


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