Friday, December 18, 2009

A Week Before Christmas!

The hustle and bustle is here folks! Are you all ready?

I'm here to report that I'm doing okay health wise. My eating may be a tad off...but I'm working-out, doing yoga and still weight training. I had gained a bit of weight, but I'm back down now to 205 lbs. So I'll be starting the New Year focused on the 199 lbs! I'm feeling amazing! I noticed some changes that have me PUMPED. For one, my weights are to light, and it's time to move up! I also noticed that my waist is thinning out. My skin is also much clearer and "glowy" (no, I'm not pregnant!). So I'm surely on the right track. Kudos for still working-out despite the holiday season.

I have left to buy a few more gifts and wrap up the Holidays. I've planned a "Gingerbread Making Holiday Party" for my boys. Hopefully, I'll be able to control myself and not eat any candy.

We also ended up 'accidentally' buying a 'monstrous' Christmas tree...I've added the photo. At first, it seemed like a funny joke, and something we would most likely laugh at in years to come. But, now it has grown on me and I love my Christmas tree!

It took Tony and two other men three hours to set-up. Took me two days to decorate. Not bad, however the Obama's called and wanted their tree back! LOL

Carmelo was home for two days with a sprained ankle. That school must of had enough of us, with the Monday morning rant and then this. However, I'm a little peeved at the fact that his 'accident' happened in the morning, and the poor kid went all day without us having a phone call home to go pick him up. He walked or rather hobbled on one foot all day at school...and by the time he got home, and I removed his boot, his ankle was swollen up to twice it's size. He's a tad better today, and he wanted to go to school to be with his classmates for the final day before Christmas break. He was also excited about giving his teachers their Christmas gifts. So I let him go...with a note to the Teacher if Carmy complains of any pain; call me immediately, I'm more than happy to come pick him up. I also warned Carmelo...any rude comments or remarks from the peanut gallery; as kindly as you can...don't be afraid to defend yourself (like I need to tell him that!)!
So I was busy with that, and then with Diodato and his new found social popularity. Speaking of the President...I've been busier than the CIA trying to approve, and investigate all his latest social gatherings. Phew! I don't know about you...but back in my time, we never had birthday parties at "Bar's and Grills" in a mall. Not at the age of fourteen, anyhow.

I've also started writing a novel. I know sounds 'quirky'. But, I've had this story floating around in my brain for almost five years now. I decided to start putting it all down on paper, or rather computer, just so I can stop thinking about the plot...and what happens next etc...

Who knows...when you love to write and write as much as I do...who knows. I may get brave enough and post the prologue or something on here in the new year.

That's about all for today. Be well everyone...lot's of love and blessings. Thanks for stopping by to read my blog.



Everyday Superhero said...

Curious about investigating social gatherings...have you ever said 'no' to a social event that either of your children was invited to?

Kimmy said...

Only one, thus far.
I didn't approve of the location.
(that was a Mom because you don't forget how it feels like to want to go somewhere, only to be told 'no'.)

I've also said 'no' to his request to have Call of Duty 6 (or any of them for that matter). That led to alot of debating back and forth. Lot's of pleading on his part. I still said "no".

When I don't approve...I just don't.

It's not always easy to 'draw' the line. Most of the time, it's easier to just say 'yes'. However, we aren't doing them any favours.

At times, saying "no" means I love you...

Anonymous said...

Love the tree. Your children look adorable!

Everyday Superhero said...

That should go in a greeting card (Saying 'no' means I love you). :-)

Right now we're saying no to a DS for my five year old. I don't care who has one. She doesn't need one and it's too time consuming. Maybe when she's older.

Just waiting for the day that she comes home and asks to sleep over at some kid's house that I don't know.

Stephanie said...

That tree is quite elaborate! Have a wonderful holiday.
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