Monday, November 3, 2008

This week...


Well today...I won't be go to the gym to work-out as my trainer is ill. So instead of taking another day off, I'm going to do some serious Tracy Anderson today.

I have to stay focused. Losing weight is a full-time commitment.

This week is a tad of a busy week for me, so I must stay on goal. There is no "oh after tomorrow" or "I'll start on Monday" etc. Today is the day! Every day counts towards that goal! Tuesday is my wedding anniversary! My hubby has something very special planned (how do I know...I was a detective in my past life ;) ). So we'll be going out to eat for sure. Also, Friday I'm going out with my long time best friend Lyne to see CĂ©line Dion! Yahoo! We are also going out to eat before hand.

The secret is to work-out before (cardio) and eat within reason. Make sure to drink some water and enjoy! That's why 'fad' diets JUST don't work! They don't adapt to normal life. If you are in need of a lifestyle change, I highly recommend Bob Green's "The Best Life Diet" book. It will change you...

I'm off lot's to do!

Have a great Monday!

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