Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Very Special Day...

Today, is my 8Th wedding anniversary. Yep! Eight years today, I married my hubby! Side note, we've been together as a couple for 17 years! That's almost half my life...whew! They say : "time flies when you are having fun..." . Some days are bumpy, but for the most part...it's been fun.

We were married on 11/4/00 on board the ship Explorer of the Seas. It's been quite an exploration let me tell ya! hahaha The freaky part that I absolutely love is that there is exactly 11 years, 4 months difference between Tony and myself (I'm the younger party ;) ). Just a reminder, we were married the 11Th month, 4Th day. I never arranged it that way. I realized it about three years after the fact. It came to me when things were a little tough in our relationship. That moment was like: 'whoa...wait a minute...there's more to this!' I immediately realized that THERE is something we call FATE and DESTINY. We sure are guided on our path. Yep! It's good ol' me being sappy and wise! Let me tell you...that is what keeps me smiling!

Here we are today....my hubby has been a work in progress. Aren't we all??? But, he's a great guy with a teddy bear of a heart. He is very sentimental these days....this morning he reminded me that we were stuck together forever, and that marrying me was the best decision he ever made and if I could just be myself for a second: He REALLY loves me! I'm quite the catch ya know! My ex-boyfriends should really be kicking themselves!!!! :) hahahahaha Just kidding! But, certainly not about the "he loves me" me part...hahahahaa
I'm very grateful for having Tony in my life...and not a day goes by that I am not thankful.

In fact, that is our wedding song: The Prayer by CĂ©line Dion and Andrea Bocelli.
On Saturday night, we watched my pvr'd Oprah from Friday's show (I know what a great thing to do with your hubby!!! hahaha Anyhow...wouldn't you know it! Mr. Andrea Bocelli was on singing " The Prayer ". So I didn't say anything (don't we just love to test our hubbies?! "Hey that's our song...and our anniversary is this week!" One million points for Tony! He made me rewind it three times! Another million points for him! :)
On a serious note, the words mimic the journey we've been on, and continue to go. Also, it's even fascinating synchronistically that a french woman and an italian man sing the song!

Moving on from my spiritual over analyzations, tonight we are heading out for dinner. Italian of course! In preparation, I went to work-out at the gym this morning! Yeah Me! Honestly, I have to say that it actually feels amazing to work-out in the morning and get it over with! Let see today...

I got two boys off to school. Work-out for 40 minutes. Had my shower. Made all the beds. Got Tony off to work. Did three loads of laundry. Cleaned out my fridge. Vacuumed and mopped the floors. This with breakfast and lunch done! I love being organized and having everything clean and in order. Plus, it's only two o'clock! I have time to write and work on my book!

Nonetheless, I'm right on my work-out schedule. I'm drinking my water etc...eating properly (except for tonight but I'll work that off after...;) ).

I'd also like to say that it doesn't matter if you have 50, 20, 5 lbs to lose. You got to work-it to get it! Also, even if you are at the perfect weight...ya got to work-it to keep it!

So commit to yourself...!

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