Friday, November 21, 2008

Another Hurdle on My Journey

As I write this I am in tears! Who would of ever thought that I would be crying over not be able to train! LOL
Well, I am!
I've definitely turned a new leaf.

A few days ago, I was experiencing severe abdominal pain. I just returned from the doctor and sadly I have a few lingering medical issues that need to be dealt with.

My pain was most likely due to ovarian cysts that have not burst or ovarian cyst that are putting pressure on my stomach hernia! WHAT?! I have an incisional stomach hernia most likely a result from my previous c-section or ectopic rupture. Which means: no more weight training for me for a while. I'm so frustrated, sad and angry!

However, I can do light cardio; walking only. I am due to see the surgeon within the next few weeks to discuss surgery and recovery. They'll be going through my c-section incision, so I'll be out for 6 weeks for recovery. Thus, I'm at least two months away from training again at a minimum.

Still, my optimistic self is telling me that it's a bump in the road, a simple curve ball. On the big picture it will be just a mere dot. On the brighter side, maybe while they are in there I can have a tummy tuck? LOL

Nonetheless, for the time being...I will wallow not being able to weight train or do any type of core training. Life is so unfair sometimes!!!
For all of you able to work-out and train; do a few extra for me would ya?!

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