Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today, I stepped on the scale; what a mistake. Two pounds UP!
Damn is that thing stuck or what?
I'm so frustrated. I don't know what it will take to get this weight off. I bust my butt off at the gym.
I went out with the girls, and had a few drinks, ate without thinking. I can't even let loose for one day!!!ARGH!
This weight thing is so hard on days like this. I realize I must put more effort into things, but it feels like I'm damned for the rest of my life.
I can't even write, I'm not inspired right now. I feel so frustrated, sad and confused. My body loves the's like those damn little fat cells reproduce faster than rabbits!
Anyhow, because I'm such a optimistic person (sometimes, it's not good..and I just want to shut that voice down! lol), I will do yoga today in hopes of loosening things up and gaining a better perspective. I'm going to write down EVERY morsel I eat. I will drink ten glasses of water at least. While in meditation after yoga, I will do some extensive powerful visualization techniques on those fat cells; seeing them disappear and flushed from my body. I will see myself thinner, and healthier.
If things work out for me this week and I can get this weight train moving again; I promise myself a wonderful pedicure and manicure at the spa!!!

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