Monday, June 9, 2008

The Launch!

June 9, 2008
Well, I'm launching my blog!
I'm so excited to journey my weight loss and daily rituals this way.
I'm inspired to inspire others.
I dream of being a positive role model.
So first things first...
Oprah had a weight loss show last week. I was inspired once again.
But, I felt a little sad. I kept could be on that show.
Unfortunately, life threw me a curve ball and I had a set back with my weight.
Bob Green said something that hit a HUGE nerve with me: "you got own it and own up to it".
He's so right! I'm first of all a facebook fraud. I REFUSE to post any photos of myself. They are all 'old' photos of me 3-4 years ago when I was 'thinner'.
So bad is that, that some people have not recognized me face to face. I usually have laughed it off and said; 'hey I've changed from my facebook photo eh?!" But, inside I'm soo humiliated.
So first order on the agenda is to post photos of myself here.
This is going to be it for me, this time I'm going to lose the weight and learn proper weight management. I've learned an important lesson in all of this; there is NO secret formula to losing weight. It's so simple; portion control, healthy foods, water and exercise. That's it!
So tonight I have a training session. First time I'm bringing the kids to the daycare at the gym...I'm a little stressed, but I hope it works out.
Okay...better go get myself a glass of water and get organized!

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