Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Another Day

June 17, 2008.
OKAY, so I stepped on the scale and NADA...not one pound!
I worked out 4 times last week PLUS took several long walks with the kids.
Frustrating! But, upon reflection...I know that I didn't drink all my water daily; so that is the culprit!
This week my goal is to drink all my water; 8 glasses a day + and see what happens.
On the plus side, we went for a nice dinner last night. I decided to treat myself as I forwent treat day last week to try and lose more (ya, another frustrating thing). So I had my pasta, and my dessert. I realized that I can only eat so much and I can fully recognize that full feeling and I want to stop! Treating myself is important for me, and I will make sure to keep it up once a week ;). The next day...I focused!
It's hard to stay fit, with a home and three kids. But, I have realized that I feel better, and I have more energy. I also seem to have more patience with the kids. So, I can imagine when I am 10 lbs, 20lbs, 40lbs lighter!!!
This works; but WATER is crucial to the formula: EXERCISE/FOOD MODERATION/WATER!!!!
If one is missing than it's difficult to lose weight.!
I best be going and go drink another glass of water!

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