Sunday, July 19, 2009

What to do?

The hardest part of being in a lifestyle change, I find is life itself. Take today for instance, we have wonderful neighbours on both sides. One family has 5 children, three of them boys. Our kids are inseperable. They have invited me to join them for dinner as Tony is gone golfing with Diodato. They are kind and generous. Case in point. How can I refuse?

So I have graciously accepted their kind offer, and look forward to the dinner. However, I have no clue what I'm in store for...and I'm usually the kind of girl that doesn't get to tasty when it comes to the However, I'm looking forward to the company of these loving people.

Also, I am heading out to see Harry Potter tonight with my boy Diodato (hey, he turned down a date offer because it's our thing!), my two nieces and my sister-in-law. I'm so excited to see the movie. I've planned to have popcorn (as it's my favourite...I only go to the movies for the popcorn! :>), no butter...or whatever oil they add on, and bottled water.

So, I'll be straying from my 'diet' tonight. But, that's life and it's okay. The important point is to get back on track tomorrow. Planning ahead of time is also crucial. In addition, to off set things today and put my mind at ease further, I'll be doing cardio and some yoga in preperation.

Well...I better run and do my 'work-out' before dinner calls :>
Lot's of Love,

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