Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ramblings, Sugar Dreams and Going With the Flow

Today is Day 2 of the new phase in our journey. It hasn't been that bad actually. I weighed myself this morning and I'm down .6lbs, IN ONE DAY! I don't think it will be like this always, but some formula that Rob set up really works! It's promising. What is the secret? I have no clue, I just follow the 'diet'. I'm eating alot of wholesome/clean healthy foods and I'm full. That's all that matters. :>

Tony...well he's always the jouster and takes this TOO literally. Rob (http://www.laganafitness.com/) told us that for dinner we could eat as much as we could (within the 'safe' healthy and clean food lists) for that one hour period. ROB: some people take this to the bank and cash out!...UNBELIEVABLE. the hour with T....lol

For dinner, I made us grilled steak, whole wheat rice in a mushroom sauce, salad with olive oil and balsamic dressing. Followed by fruit (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and watermelon). As we sat down to eat, Tony noted the time and went to town like it was his last meal. Half an hour later....he had eaten his dinner and 'dessert'. "I have 30 minutes left...what else can I eat?" My God! I watched in disbelief...as he went for the hummus and Ezekiel tortillas. "You can't possibly still be hungry?"- was all I could ask. Ding! Hour is up...he got up and walked away sighing that he couldn't eat until breakfast time.

As for me, I was satisfied. At night, while watching TV I make myself an organic decaf mango green tea complete with my beautiful pink teapot, cup and saucer. Yummy! I enjoy the tea to satisfy my craving for munchies. As a funny side note, last night I dreamed that I was eating sugar by the spoonfuls! While eating the sugar, I was so angry at myself for giving in to my 'cravings'. I awoke this morning with a sweet taste in my mouth...lol No worries, I checked the sugar in the house and there was no sign that I actually ate the sugar.
The mind is bizarre!

Today, I had planned to go to the gym while Antonio was at his pre-school. Sometimes, as a Mom things don't always go as planned, and you just need to go with the flow. After all, being a Mom is my first priority. Antonio did not want to go...even though I managed to coax him in the van, and drive him there. He sluggishly walked into the building and looked at me with his puppy brown eyes; "Mommy, I don't want to stay. I don't feel good." Back in the van and home it was.

As an expert of early childhood, (I have my ECE, lot's of experience teaching pre-schoolers, not to mention this is my third child plus I have read alot of information on the subject) pre-schoolers do not need the itinerary of a president. What they need most is play-time. They have their whole life ahead of them, to go to school, learn to play an instrument or learn skills at a sport. It's not necessary to over kill with the activities at this age. Experts have agreed that school aged children should not do more than two activities a week aside from going to school. They need downtime. They also need kid time. That is crucial to their whole well-being. When you take that away; you have stressed out, over-active kids who can't cope. Imagine how an over stimulated pre-schooler is affected? Anyhow, Antonio...stayed at home and slept all afternoon. Tomorrow, if he's up for it...he can conquer the world then.

That's all for today. Time to go make my boys dinner and off to soccer!


Anonymous said...

Ma Belle Kimmy :)

You are such an inspiration. You ROCK!
Keep at it girlfriend!!!!

You are so right about pre-schoolers. There is all the time in the world, and the whole life ahead. Let them be kids and adults when the time comes.


Erin Huggins said...

Great job with the weight loss! Iʼm inspired! Cheers, Erin

Kathy1898 said...

YOu are SUCH a wonderful mommy Kim!!!!

Kimmy said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful comments.

I try my best Kathy...that's all I can do!