Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Case of Facebook Mistaken Identity

I know I've blogged in the past about how I am a Facebook fraud. There are no full photos of me, only my face or photos of me hiding behind someone, and I must approve of ALL my tagged photos before hand. I've deleted, and un-tagged myself in at least a million photos, by now.

The other day, I posted the above photo as my profile photo. It is of my niece Jessica, who was embarking on a huge new chapter of her life. I wanted to send her some love, light and courage during the transition. Many thought it was me...

I got compliments on the photo "wow, you look gorgeous!", one of my long time friends from elementary school even went as far as calling another friend "Kim, lost a ton of weight? She looks smoking hot in that photo!". My friend then checked the photo, "impossible, I just seen her three weeks ago...must be an old photo of her". How embarrassing!!!!!

At first, I laughed it off...but then reality set in. I felt very ashamed, and realized that people see me...as FAT. How depressing!

Nevertheless, optimism quickly took over (thanks to my Hubby)...even though I'm big...I still am gorgeous and smoking hot! LOL

Who am I kidding?! I'm going to get there....I just have to.


Anonymous said...

You ARE smokin' hot and beautiful right now!!!


Kathy1898 said...

Omg, I totally thought this was you too!!!!!!

You are beautiful inside and out.

I have gained about 50lbs since being the "Josephs Kathy"...and although it sucks...I found it brought out a whole new me...and I sort of like her to be honest...

You can do it Kim.