Thursday, August 13, 2009

Taking a Time-Out!

This article was written while I was on vacation in
Mont Tremblant, Québec.

Sometimes life offers us a time-out, a break from the everyday. Naturally, the Eb and flow of things allows for even some great downtime. What a gift! During this time, it is optimal to take advantage of the 'stress less' moments to reflect and meditate on achievements, failures and goals.

The energy of summer is so magical. At present, the mountains surround thee, a waterfall can be heard rustling the rocks in the distance, the trees gently dance in the summer breeze, the air is fresh and the warm golden rays shine down on thee. The white fluffy clouds seem almost within reach in the foreground of the crisp blue sky. Taking deep breaths allowing the mountain air to refresh every cell within...I reflect and write.

I can now think clearly and reflect back on achievements, goals and dreams. Like the energy that surrounds me, my mind is clear and golden. I know my body has brought me to great lengths in the year past. The body is truly a magnificent machine...capable of wondrous miracles within. I am forever astounding by it's capabilities.

It wasn't that long ago, I was unable to walk even for two minutes. Bending over was impossible as was carrying anything over five pounds. My legs were constantly cramping, my nervous system continuously shaking every muscle and I would tire easily. Lying on that couch for those long months made me absorb the reality of my situation and the consequences of my behaviours. I vowed to make a comeback...and share my wisdom!

The road thus far, has not been easy at that. Some days, it is discouraging. Other days, it is depressing. Most days however, I find myself motivated and inspired. Honouring my body, nourishing it with clean, healthy food, working my body and helping it be fueled,improved and strengthened: in return my body begins to heal.

Even though I have much journey ahead of me, I realize that I am further ahead than I was last year. I am now at a mental place of much wisdom and peace. It is a great inner knowing of wisdom that I cannot explain.

At this time, I know that my body is my vehicle for life. I was not living being in so much pain, lying on my couch. I was merely existing. It is crucial and imperative to respect my body at all times. It is essential to honour it as a living, breathing mechanism that needs care and love in order to thrive. Cherish my body always...

Each and everyone of us is uniquely blessed with many gifts. Each of us has many reasons to be grateful. Like the sparkles of the suns rays shining down upon me, we are surrounded by billions of reasons to see the light that surrounds us. Honouring the spirit and soul within is also vital to our well-being. We are all on different paths: together as one.

Take the time to reflect on your spirit. Honour yourself, your body, your spirit and your soul. Be faithful to YOU. Time-out for yourself, and recharge yourself to greatness. There are so many ways to maintain a healthy body, mind, and spirit equilibrium. Nature, fresh air, meditation, gratitude, healthy foods, exercise, laughter, positive friendships are just some examples. Each and everyone of us is surrounded by the magnetism of vitality. It's up to us to soak it in and make the most of it.

Journey to your that you can live your best!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post!