Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You Can Hear a Pin Drop!

Can you hear that? No? Me either! Stillness, quiet, peace, whatever you want to call it, you can hear a pin drop right now in my house. AH!

The boys have officially gone back to school and without to much hiccups. Carmelo has started grade 3. That little guy is lucky. All summer long he hoped he would get Mr. Armstrong for grade 3. With three grade three's this year, his chances were 33 %. I'd bet on his horse anyday! Guess who Carmelo has? Yep...Mr. Armstrong who according to Carmelo personally asked to have him in his class. Carmelo was even welcomed back to school by the janitor with a hug and a 'hey Carmy! How was your summer buddy?! So good to see you back!"

Diodato started grade 9! Hard to believe I have a child in highschool. I had tears in my eyes yesterday morning as I seen my baby, now a big big boy leaving for school with his backpack over his shoulder, walking and talking with his friends and just glancing back to wave bye. Long gone are the days, where I needed to walk him to the bus stop, wait with him while trying to convince him to unbuckle the packsack front buckle. I thought of him all day, as he transitioned to this new phase of his life. He came home and said: "highschool sucks...I have homework already!" To be young again...

Antonio is off to Oxford this afternnoon. So the house is very peaceful. I will go do some yoga today. No distractions, no door bell ringing, no phone ringing and no "MOM!" for a bit. This week it's back to routine and back to seriously taking charge of this weight loss situation. My goal is to be 199 lbs by December 1! I can do it....I just have to get off the computer now, do yoga and start the journey to a new and improved moi!

*quiet cheers! :>

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