Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happening's in and around

So many things to talk about; where to begin? Before we do begin, a word of caution, I appologize in advance for 'crappy' writing today. I'm exhausted! I have this leg crampy, stiffness and shaky leg and hand thing happening. I'm not getting much sleep. I'm feeling like age is creeping up on me. Being Kimmy means that I'm looking at it as a sign to start eating cleaner and healthier.

Last night, we watched 7 Pounds staring Will Smith. What a movie! Nothing like an inspirational movie to make you dig deep within. Love it! The thing that stuck in my heart the most is that; 'always be good, because you never know who is watching and when they are going to step in and change your life for the better!'. So true!

I've also been busy doing other things. I've started reading Bob Harper (The Biggest Loser)'s book. Trying to inspire myself. Hey, Bob! I'd love for you to be my trainer! Could you imagine me on the show? Nope. I'd never be able to leave my family for that long. Besides, Bob...what would you do with a girl like me with so many issues! LOL Never say never....

My plan is to start going to the gym soon. I have this shaking thing going on with my legs and hands. Even walking around the block takes everything out of me! I now have the perfect opportunity to go to the gym (excuse/guilt free) at least twice a week while my kids are all in school. My three year old started pre-school this week and the gym shares the same parking lot! Mind you he only goes twice a week, but still no excuses! I have to start back somehow, someway!

I see my doctor on Tuesday about this shakiness going on. Hopefully, it's something minor. It's been a long haul. It's time to go back to the gym and start feeling good again.

Last week, Kirstie Alley came out and admitted she had gained her weight back! Huge Kudos to you Kirstie. That takes guts...believe me I know! Ten fold for her since she's a celebrity and all. We all have been down that road, and can feel her pain and frustration. It's getting back on the wagon that counts and taking things one step at a time in the right direction.

That's it for now. I'm going to go give myself a facial, complete with hydroxy mask and cuccumbers! lol This shaky thing is really making me think. Before wrinkles start to creep in too...

Sending you all hugs, love and giggles for the day. Drink your water and take your vitamins!!!


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