Friday, May 22, 2009

The Secret to my Success

I have a secret, or rather a method to my 'madness'. It's not my cute smile, my beautiful eyes, my jolly giggle, my nice jeans or my designer purse!

Wherever I go, whatever I'm doing, whenever I'm in a pinch, a bind or just need advice, I call upon them. They are always there to help me, always guiding me...faster than a speeding bullet, quicker than a flash of light, stronger than even superman. They stand by you 24/7 ready and on call. Long distance charges do not apply!

Let me introduce you to my friends the ' Angels'. Your friends too. They are amazingly divine. I don't know how I'd ever get through it without them. They have saved me countless times. They have nudged me when I needed to be nudged. They have protected me when I needed protection. They have held me in my darkest hours, and been the first to cheer during my best moments. They have cried with me, laughed with me, they are always by my side. They even listen to me as I babble along about my problems, issues, wants, needs etc...

You would be surprised how many of us believe in them and use them daily. Even celebrities call upon their power to guide them through their daily tasks. After all, it's not when you are falling off the mountain that you call your best friend to come and save you! Jenny McCarthy is an avid fan of angels. As of course is Oprah Winfrey. Some of the most successful humans of our times and times past have prayed to angels for guidance, power, wisdom and assistance. That is no secret.

The secret though is to ask for help! Just like you would call upon a friend. Angels have our upmost respect and would never cross that line. They honour our free will, which is a universal law. They love to be our friends, and assist us whichever way they can. All you have to do is ask and let go!

Here are ways they have helped in the past. The following are true stories!

-Whenever I'm going to be somewhere where someone is going to be of 'service' to me. I always try to book ahead with the angels. For instance, when my son Antonio was going to have surgery, something that is very nerving for parents. I called upon the angels to bring to Antonio the best nurses, doctors and surgical team. Our prayers are answered always. Upon arriving to the hospital we were given our surgical nurse. She would be the nurse to stay with us before Antonio's surgery, during his surgery and through recovery. She was crucial for the entire process. When she first walked in, I was floored. Here was the most angelic being. She had a sweet soft voice that even would calm the most anxious person. She was great with Antonio and knew exactly what he needed. The best part was that her scrubs were covered in angels! :>

-I always ask the angels to help me when I'm driving. I'm a very nervous/anxious driver and would rather be a passenger any day! They always help me get out of tight squeezes, find me the perfect parking spot and even help me get to where I'm going right on time. I just have to remember to call upon them!

-One of my favourite all time stories that really made a believer out of my children was the time our dog Nina ran away. Now Nina is a happy go-lucky dog. She absolutely LOVES people. When the door is open she will rush out just to be able to meet new people. She will run and run...and run. We have all been trained not to open the door until Nina is safely in the office. Sometimes, accidents do occur or rather Nina communicates to the wrong family members her need to meet new people.
Our little guy Antonio was playing quietly when Nina went to the front door and sat quietly. I saw her there, and told her: "no, Nina you cannot go outside." I went about my work when suddenly I heard the front door open and the voice of Antonio: 'bye Caca! bye!" (Antonio couldn't say Nina at the time, he called her Caca) I yelled: "NOOOOO!" but even by then it was to late! Nina was gone in a flash!
We ran outside after her but there was already no trace of her. The boys each ran their own way yelling her name to no avail. I grabbed Antonio and got in the van. My oldest son Diodato hopped on his bike. Carmelo took the home post in case a friendly neighbour found her. After an hour, I returned home dog less. Carmelo had no success on the home front either. I called my son Diodato on his cell phone. He too had no luck and everyone he asked had not seen her either. It was almost hopeless. I knew that as time went by the chances of finding Nina alive and well were diminishing. We live close to a very busy intersection and if my hunch had it Nina would run there first. I told Diodato to make his way back home as I knew the further he looked, the more likely he would find a site that even I didn't want to see. He wouldn't give-up. I was finally able to call him back after he had biked for three hours.

When he returned home defeated, I gathered my kids and we prayed. We called upon St. Anthony the patron saint of finding lost items. We also asked the Angels and Archangel Michael to keep our dear Nina safe until she could be rescued. As soon as we had all finished saying amen, I got an idea. Nina was wearing her old tag with our old phone number on it. What if someone had found Nina and called our old number? I called our old number and left a very strange message. About an hour later, the new owner of our old number called back! Indeed someone had called saying they had found a white dog in the middle of the highway! They left me the cell number of the 'rescuer'. So happy, we called the rescuer; his name was Anthony! He and his friend Michael had rescued Nina from a certain death on the highway! Nina was safe and sound; rescued by Anthony and Micheal!

So many countless stories. To many to recall. Angels are my heroes. I work with them everyday and thank them every night along with my gratitude to God for all my blessings. I dedicate today's blog to all my angels who have helped me on my path in God's name. Without them...I'd be lost.

We all cheered and said a prayer of thanks!

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