Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Case of Facebook Mistaken Identity

I know I've blogged in the past about how I am a Facebook fraud. There are no full photos of me, only my face or photos of me hiding behind someone, and I must approve of ALL my tagged photos before hand. I've deleted, and un-tagged myself in at least a million photos, by now.

The other day, I posted the above photo as my profile photo. It is of my niece Jessica, who was embarking on a huge new chapter of her life. I wanted to send her some love, light and courage during the transition. Many thought it was me...

I got compliments on the photo "wow, you look gorgeous!", one of my long time friends from elementary school even went as far as calling another friend "Kim, lost a ton of weight? She looks smoking hot in that photo!". My friend then checked the photo, "impossible, I just seen her three weeks ago...must be an old photo of her". How embarrassing!!!!!

At first, I laughed it off...but then reality set in. I felt very ashamed, and realized that people see me...as FAT. How depressing!

Nevertheless, optimism quickly took over (thanks to my Hubby)...even though I'm big...I still am gorgeous and smoking hot! LOL

Who am I kidding?! I'm going to get there....I just have to.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spontaneous Surprise

My hubby came home yesterday with a spontaneous surprise gift for me. It was random, I didn't expect that at all and it made my day, my week and my month. My husband is so good to me. I am so lucky!

He went on his own to Lululemon Athletica and bought me a lululemon hoodie. What is even more surprising, he normally loves me wearing blue (his favourite colour), but opted to buy me a pink one just because he knew I would love it.

Moreover, I was just there the other day to purchase myself a new gym bag (love the new totes!), some yoga pants and a few tops. He felt I could use a hoodie to go along with it all, so he secretly went out yesterday to purchase me one...just because.

I love my hoodie, I love it more because he made the effort to go buy it for me, and picked it out himself. Thank you, Tony! MWAHHHHHHH!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Equinox

First off, I need to send my fellow blogger Joania a huge cyber hug.

Joania, you have been in my thoughts and my prayers. I miss your blogs, your motivation and your inspiration. Whatever you are going through, I honour you, and I send you much love and light. Remember you are strong and beautiful inside and out!

Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere,
Autumn Equinox in the southern hemisphere

Spring has sprung in and around me! Welcome to the first day of spring, spring equinox in the northern hemisphere. Spring, a time for rejuvenation and new beginnings. I love the promise, and glory of the spring. The melting of the snow with the warming of the sun, the first blades of green grass, the return of the geese, and the sighting of the first robin always brings warmth to my heart and a renewed sense of powerful energy.

I have been busy reading, and reading. I find it quite ironic how my 'weight' loss journey has evolved. I really have been focusing on eating well, and clean. With it, comes a great relief, and sense of over all well being. However, I will let you know that not much has changed on the scale front (blah!). Nonetheless, I look in the mirror and I do see an honest changes in my skin, my eyes and overall in my energy.

What am I doing? I am making sure to eat as much organic as I can. I am also sticking to real food (see my book recommendation below: Food Rules). In addition, I am buying grain fed, and free range meat. However, I have yet to find beef in my area that fit that criteria. Nonetheless, little changes surely add up and I can attest to a difference. I am not perfect by any means, and have the occasional slip here and there. Note, the great movie popcorn with a dash of cadbury eggs on top. A wonderful treat taught by a dear old friend of mine (A. I miss you! xox).

I have been working out, mostly cardio and must get back into a strong routine of weight training too. Being a busy mom, it's difficult to get it all in, so I really focus on doing what I can. My goal for the weeks ahead is to prioritize my time, and I'm seriously thinking of closing my facebook account. I spend way to much time on there. Maybe I will take some advice from my friend Jack Bauer, and go dark.

Also, I am enjoying my Friday night Yoga sessions. I have found an amazing Hatha Yoga instructor. Friday night yoga is gentle, calming and so invigorating. Perfect for the end of the week!

Lastly, here are the books I have been reading.

  • Food Rules by Michael Pollan
  • In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

Mr. Pollan was on Oprah recently, and opened my eyes to Real Food and what is in our 'food'. I have yet to watch the movie "Food Inc." recommended by the author. It is on my to do list.

One thing that struck me the most was the realization that our grandmothers and grandfathers used to eat butter, drink plenty of milk, even cream, eat bread, meat and potatoes, they had sugar, and they didn't know about fats, carbs, etc... and astonishingly obesity was rare. Why is this? The simple answer; the food was real.

I am also reading:

  • Change Your Brain Change Your Body by Daniel G. Amen, M.D.

All I can say is Wow!

I have also started reading the anti-diet book that Oprah wants everyone to read.

  • Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth

I have to say, that I am slowly reading this book as light bulbs are going off, and I'm having to really reflect on almost every page.

“It's never been about the weight. It's not even about food.”
— Geneen Roth

Be well and try to eat as much 'real' food as you can,

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm still around...

Hey everyone!

I know, it's been awhile. Sorry. I think I was suffering from 'writer's block' and had nothing to say. Yep, I had nothing to say or share. Me?!

Anyhow, before I share some great new discovery of mine...I'll update you on my happenings. I've been staying true to myself, working-out and eating well. Woohoo (ala Vicky from OC housewives!)

So I've made a great discovery, and you know me; I love to share with the world. I'm always the first to run to the bookstore and buy the latest new book. However, if for once you are going to follow my advice; this is the book for you. Unless, you don't have a brain!

The book is by Dr. Daniel Amen entitled "Change Your Brain Change Your Body". It's not all about weight loss. It's for anyone who has a brain! (LOL...I love that line!). The premise is that our brain is truly our control center. If you take care of your brain, your brain will take care of you. For example, beautiful body, no disease, no early aging, no anxiety, no depression, perfect weight etc...It is such common sense when you begin to read it, however so ingenious! The guy is all about mind/body connection. I'm so into this book that I'm already looking to purchase his other books, especially the one's for children and teenagers.

Here is the link to his site:

Be well!